Sunday, August 5, 2018

My Ah Ha Moment

Have you ever felt so low and hurt so bad you didn't want to face the next day ... but you did. Life isn't about giving up, it's about God, family and taking a leap of faith. You move forward and jump though every hoop, get to every doctor visit and take every medicine!  So I jumped on the little hamster wheel and ran the pharmaceutical cycle until my immune system and energy were nearly depleted!

Getting a diagnosis: It all started sometime in 2010. I went to massage therapists, chiropractors, general physicians, you name it. I was going to find someone who could help my pain level and help me learn the cause of my pain.  My blood work was fantastic and I as my doctor said "there is nothing wrong with you." So why did I hurt so bad? The last evening before my first dose of wonder woman prednisone I was in so much pain I couldn't walk across the floor. My son walked me to my bedroom but I couldn't even get myself ready for bed. For that I needed my husband. The next morning I was in the ER. 

My disease roller coaster:  I was finally sent to a rheumatologist and with new blood work, diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and borderline lupus. I took plaquenil for a year and then moved to a weekly, low dose chemotherapy treatment - methotrexate. Periodically I'd need a prednisone taper to control flareups. I began having more break through pain and other misc. symptoms.  My rheumatologist said he didn't know what was causing these things but if I took the methotrexate it would most likely fix all of the pain of the arthritis and the other little issues. After taking the plaquenil and methotrexate for several months I was visited by a pulmonary embolism and received two weeks of shots in the stomach. I started taking an anticoagulant and I was then advised I would need to take it for the rest of my life because I have a hereditary marker for clotting. So began the anticoagulant coumadin (warfarin). After taking this medication for another few months I started having problems with my feet swelling and my legs hurting.  I could barely fit into my shoes. I went to the ER and found I had ZERO platelets in my blood. After being rushed to the ER to see a hematologist and an overnight stay in the hospital I began receiving platelet transfusions.  Each transfusion contains about 10,000 donors and costs roughly $10,000.  I had a severe reaction to the first transfusion with severe head pain so bad I was kept unconscious in the hospital for the next three days. This occurred when my husband was out of town and my teenage children rushed me to the hospital. After this stay in the hospital I did not want another transfusion but my body would not make its own platelets. Thereafter all medication was stopped and I received another six to eight transfusions. 

Once my body started making platelets, all medication was resumed.
I was informed by my hematologist I would be on these drugs for the rest of my life!

My first use of essential oils: Somewhere at the beginning of 2010 my aunt, who has rheumatoid essential oil blend to build my immune system and prevent colds and flu.  When it came time for blood work to check my anticoagulation my numbers were way too high and I was way over anticoagulated. When I told the lab what I was using they told me to stop ... but this little, dim ray of hope flickered and I started researching what essential oils worked like an anitcoagulant!  This wasn't a drug interaction, the essential oils were doing the same thing in my body - but naturally with no side affect. This was my Ah Ha moment and I started using three essential oils every day.  I started on June 26, 2012 and I haven't looked back.  Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing. Eze 47:12
arthritis offered me essential oils and I shut her down with a loud, resounding NO! What a mistake!!! We laugh about it now. Fast forward to June of 2012, my daily regimen included plaquenil, methotrexate, prednisone, coumadin (warfarin) and random pain meds as needed. At this time, I had no energy, high stress, no immune system, scared to leave the house, and generally bewildered over my health! I started to hurt again and contemplated upping the dose of methotrexate to control the pain.  I was at my whits end and tired of all of the side affects to medication and I went to my aunt for help. She was scared to have me try anything.  I started taking an

My transition to essential oils and wellness products:  It was time to look at how I could manage my rheumatoid pain without the medication.  I started more essential oils and wellness products and six months later I was forgetting to take my medication because I didn't need it. I was controlling my pain, now I know this pain as inflammation.  I weaned my self off of all of my medicine and I have been medicine free since December of 2012. I went back to see my rheumatologist because I thought he would be interest in my results.  His response was "You know where I am when you need me." I haven't seen him since that visit  There is oil in the house of the wise. Pro 21:20

This is simply my story in a nutshell. Each of us has our own story; we write it daily. It is my hope and my dream that others can rewrite their story. My deepest want is for others to be empowered in their wellness! 

Be Empowered