Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Common Cold Running Through Your Family?

This is a short and timely post today!

This time of year in Montana the common cold and flu drop into the local schools, move through day cares and businesses and then spread among the community.  We stopped at the grocery story last night to pick up a few needed food items and felt bad for other shoppers we passed who were blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing, hacking and spreading little microorganisms around the store and on grocery carts. That was me and my children at some time in my past! Running to the store to pick up some synthetic-laden-over-the-counter-symptom-lessening product while we let the cold run its course for a month. Rosy cheeks, red nose, sore throat, no sleep and no energy. Sound familiar?  

With over 200 viruses attributable to the common cold, the cold seems to continue to make the rounds all winter long. The low temperatures of winter do not increase our chance to catch a cold. Rather, people spend more time indoors together, travel for the holidays to see loved ones and move these little microorganisms from place to place.  Viruses can easily be transferred from one person to another and need a living host to flourish. They invade the human body, thrive and disrupt our little world.  

I remember everyone offering their remedy but none of them helped us!  Vitamin C, soup, feed a cold, starve a fever ... generally these remedies added little comfort.

When a friend cancels a lunch get-together because their kids are sick, I feel bad but I remember the days of sick children, runny, gooey noses, high fevers, ear infections, lack of energy (me) and transfer from one person to the next. Our family was sick for a month at a time.  Thank goodness this doesn't need to be our end result any more! 

Have you struggled with the common cold taking over your house?

If you would like to know the protocol we use to prevent the viral and bacterial soup affecting our house simply use the Contact Form on my blog to send me an email. This protocol will allow you to travel through airports, visit and hug family without fear of viral infections. Not only will you see a drastic reduction in the cold and flu in your house, you will also increase your energy! 

Why is my protocol any different than everyone else? Simply, because it works! Think PREVENTION not TREATMENT.  I've helped countless others and I can help you too.